Celton Manx Limited is Licensed and Regulated in the Isle of Man. Its services are provided to players via the domain name www.sbotop.com.
Licensed Operator : Celton Manx Ltd, Isle of Man Incorporated company No. 121580C.
Registered Office : Celton House, Isle of Man Business Park, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 2QZ, British Isles
Online Gambling is regulated in the Isle of Man by the Isle of Man Government under the Online Gambling Regulation Act (OGRA) 2001.
Celton Manx Ltd was granted an OGRA licence on 1st August 2008 and is regulated in the Isle of Man, British Isles. Isle of Man Law prohibits persons under the age of 18 from registering or participating in online gambling. Isle of Man Law makes online gambling debts enforceable in law.

These terms and conditions govern the end user customer's (the "Customer") use of the Internet Betting Service, including all forms of interactive games betting products and services, available at www.sbotop.com (the "Website") and via WAP provided through a WAP link (the "WAP Site") provided by Celton Manx Limited (the "Internet Betting Service") and the Customer's relationship with Celton Manx Limited (the "Operator"). The Customer should read these terms and conditions carefully as they affect their rights and liabilities under the law. The Operator is licensed and regulated by the Gambling Supervision Commission of the Isle of Man Government. Online Gambling debts incurred through an operator licensed and regulated in the Isle of Man are enforceable in law. If the Customer does not agree to these terms and conditions, they should not register for or use the Internet Betting Service. If the Customer has any questions about these terms and conditions, they should contact support@sbotop.com.
The Internet Betting Service is provided to the Customer for their personal non-commercial use subject to these terms and conditions. By registering on the Website and/or continued use of the Internet Betting Service, the Customer agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions. If there is any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and any document incorporated by reference, these terms and conditions will prevail.
2.1 The Operator reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions (including to rectify errors or mistakes discovered on the Internet Betting Service). However, the Operator will ensure that any significant changes to these terms and conditions will be notified to the Customer by an appropriate method (for example via an announcement on the Website). The changes will apply to the use of the Internet Betting Service immediately after the Operator has given notice. If the Customer does not wish to accept the new terms and conditions the Customer should not continue to use the Internet Betting Service. If the Customer continues to use the Internet Betting Service after the date on which the change comes into effect, the Customer's use of the Internet Betting Service will be confirmation of the Customer's agreement to be bound by the new terms and conditions.
2.2 It remains the Customer's responsibility to periodically check these terms and conditions to ensure that they continue to agree with them and Customers are advised to do so each time they use the Internet Betting Service. The Customer's continued use of the Internet Betting Service will be confirmation of their acceptance of any changes to these terms and conditions. Any bet received (but not settled) prior to the time of amendment and notification of amended terms and conditions will be subject to the pre-existing terms and conditions.
3.1 To register for an account to use the Internet Betting Service (an "Account"), the Customer must be at least eighteen years of age or the legal age required for gambling in the Customer's jurisdiction, whichever is the greater. The Customer must ensure that the details provided by them on registration (or at any time thereafter) are correct and complete and must inform the Operator immediately of any changes to their details by updating their Account in order that the Operator can communicate with them effectively. The Operator reserves the right to request identification documents (e.g. passport or identity cards) for verification purposes. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, the Customer hereby authorises the Operator to conduct such verification checks (including identity and address verification checks) from time to time as the Operator may require or as may be required by third parties (including, but not limited to, regulatory bodies) to confirm any of the personal details provided by the Customer to the Operator. Where such verification checks are to be made in the Customer's name, the Customer hereby authorises the Operator to act on the Customer's behalf in making these checks and accessing such databases in the Customer's name.
3.2 A Customer wishing to place a bet on the Internet Betting Service should note that there may be specific laws in their country, place of residence, or the place where the Customer accesses the Internet Betting Service which prohibit gambling. The Customer warrants to the Operator that they will not access the Internet Betting Service from within a jurisdiction that prohibits gambling. Further, the Customer warrants to the Operator that they will not access (or register for) the Internet Betting Service at any time if they are a citizen of a nation state that prohibits its citizens from participating in gambling (regardless of their location).
3.3 It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure compliance with their applicable local or national laws before registering for an Account and/or before placing bets on the Internet Betting Service. The Customer is encouraged to seek legal advice before registering and/or placing any bets or depositing any money to verify that their proposed dealings on the Internet Betting Service are not contrary in any way to such laws. The Operator does not accept any responsibility for a Customer's breach of any applicable local or national laws.
3.4 Without limiting Clause 3.3, the Operator does not accept bets originating from Afghanistan、American Samoa、Australia、Belarus、Belgium、Côte d'Ivoire、Denmark、England、France、French Guiana、French Polynesia、French Southern Territories、Germany、Greece、Guadeloupe、Guam、Hong Kong、Hungary、Iran、Iraq、Liberia、Libya、Lithuania、Malta、Martinique、Mayotte、Netherlands、Netherlands Antilles、North Korea、Northern Mariana Islands、Philippines、Portugal、Puerto Rico、Reunion、Russia、Saint Pierre and Miquelon、Serbia、Singapore、Somalia、Spain、Sudan、Switzerland、Taiwan、Turkiye、United States minor outlying islands、USA及びVirgin Islands, U.S. and, accordingly, the Customer warrants that they are not resident in these jurisdictions, nor will they use the Internet Betting Service when they are in these jurisdictions.
3.5 When the Customer registers their Account on the Website, they will be asked to create a login and password (which will be in encrypted form and not accessible by the Operator). In order to prevent fraud, the Customer must keep this password confidential and not disclose it or share it with anyone. If the Customer knows or suspects that someone else knows their password or that any other personal information has been stolen or otherwise accessed without their authority they should notify the Operator immediately by contacting support@sbotop.com.
3.6 If the Operator has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of the Internet Betting Service, it may require the Customer to change their password or it may suspend the Customer's Account.
3.7 The Customer will not allow any other person or third party (including, without limitation, any minor) to use their Account or accept any prize on their behalf. The Customer is solely responsible for all use of the Internet Betting Service through their login and password. Unless caused by the Operator's negligence, any unauthorised use of the login and password will be the Customer's sole responsibility and deemed the Customer's use. The Customer will therefore be liable for any such unauthorised use and will not be refunded any resulting losses on the Internet Betting Service, regardless of whether or not the third party who participated had the Customer's consent.
3.8 If an Account is inactive for 12 months or longer, the Operator reserves the right to levy an administration charge of £5.00 (or currency equivalent) per month for maintenance of the Account and set-off such charges against the Betting Funds in the Account. If the Betting Funds is less than £5.00, only the remaining amount of the Betting Funds will be deducted. If the Account remains inactive for a further 12 months or longer, the Operator reserves the right to cancel the Account. The administration charge will be deducted until the earlier of the following occurs: (1) the Betting Funds being reduced to zero; or (2) the Account being reactivated by the Customer using the Account to place a bet. Thereafter the deductions for the administration charge will cease.
3.9 The Operator may suspend or terminate the Customer's Account immediately at its absolute discretion including if the Customer breaches any of their obligations under these terms and conditions. In this event and save for any contrary provisions expressly stated in these terms and conditions, the balance of the Customer's Account will be returned to the Customer.
3.10 The expiry or termination of a Customer's Account for any reason will not affect:
(a) any rights, obligations and/or liabilities accrued before the date of termination or expiry; or
(b) any rights, obligations and/or liabilities expressed to continue in force after and despite expiry or termination.
3.11 The Operator reserves the right not to open an account for any applicant without having to provide any reason whatsoever. The Operator further reserves the right to refuse/reject and suspend and/or terminate without prior notification the Account of any Customer who is suspected of cheating, hacking, attacking, manipulating or damaging the Operator's normal betting operations (including the Internet Betting Service).
3.12 The use of artificial intelligence or "bots" on the Internet Betting Service is strictly forbidden. Likewise, any application that uses any or all of the data contained on the Internet Betting Service for purposes (including but not limited to commercial purposes) other than participating in the Internet Betting Service (e.g. via screen scraping) is prohibited. The Operator will take measures to prevent and detect the use of programs that are designed to enable artificial intelligence (non-humans) to utilise or benefit from the data contained on the Website. Any attempted or actual use of artificial intelligence by the Customer will lead to termination of their Account in accordance with Clause 3.9 and Clause 3.11.
3.13 The Customer can cancel their Account at any time by informing the Operator in writing at support@sbotop.com. If the Customer does so, they must stop using the Internet Betting Service immediately.
3.14 The suspension or cancellation of the Customer's Account will not affect either party's statutory rights or liabilities.
3.15 The Customer may open only one Account. Any additional accounts that are funded may be closed and the deposit amount returned to the Customer or all such accounts may be treated as one joint Account, in either case at the Operator's discretion.
4.1 The Operator grants the Customer a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable licence to install and use the software required for the use of the Internet Betting Service (the "Software"). The Customer may use the Software solely for participation in the Internet Betting Service.
4.2 The Internet Betting Service and all pictures, graphics, photographs, animations, videos, music, audio, text and live feeds on the Website and the Software are and will remain the property of the Operator and are protected by intellectual property laws, including copyright. They may not be reproduced without the Operator's prior written consent.
4.3 Except as permitted by these terms and conditions, the Customer may not copy, use, modify, create derivative works from or distribute the Software or written materials associated with the Internet Betting Service, decode, reverse engineer, dissemble, decompile or otherwise translate or convert the Software or any part of it or transfer, loan, lease, assign, rent or otherwise sublicense the Software or do any of the above to any copy, adaptation, transcription, or merged portion of the Software. Without limitation, the above activity includes any form of denting, hacking, attacking, manipulating or damaging of the Internet Betting Service.
5.1 Money in the Customer's Account is used to place bets with the Operator. The Customer is not allowed to place a bet greater than the amount deposited in their Account. Any winnings are placed into the Customer's Account. Deposits and withdrawals are initially actioned by the Customer through the Internet Betting Service.
5.2 The Customer accepts and authorises the Operator to instruct its payment management/processing provider to handle the processing of Account deposits and withdrawals. Thereby the Customer allows the Operator to give such instructions on the Customer's behalf. The Operator reserves the right to withhold payment of any funds if suspicion or evidence of manipulation of the Internet Betting Service arises. The Operator may take action against the Customer or any other party who manipulates, or tries to manipulate, the Internet Betting Service or any part of it.  The Customer accepts and acknowledges that the Operator's payment management/processing providers may impose limits on the amount that can be paid out for any withdrawal request within a twenty four (24) hour period and therefore the Operator is entitled to limit the payout of the Customer's withdrawal amount in a twenty four (24) hour period to the sum of GBP50,000 or currency equivalent, or the maximum withdrawal amount referred to in Clause 5.8, whichever shall be the lesser.
5.3 To maintain a high level of security to protect the Customer's funds, the Operator performs random security checks. This may include further proof of identity or proof of residence details to validate documentation previously provided. The Customer hereby accepts that the Operator maintains the right to demand additional documentation in order to verify the Customer as the cardholder in the event of such a security check.
5.4 The Customer has the responsibility for checking the available funds in their Account (the "Betting Funds") before or after each betting transaction and prior to departing from the betting session. If the Customer suspects any errors, they must report it immediately to the Operator. Failure to do so will result in the Customer waiving their rights to raise future disputes and acceptance of all previous betting records as true and correct.
5.5 The Customer must inform the Operator as soon as reasonably possible if they believe that their Account information is being misused in any way by a third party so that the Operator may suspend their Account. The Operator will not be held responsible for any reasonable delay in such suspension.
5.6 Unless otherwise stated in these terms and conditions, no bet can be cancelled once confirmed by the Operator. All bets stand once confirmed whether the Customer is online or offline. The Operator reserves the right to refuse any bet.
5.7 It is a legal requirement of the Isle of Man Government that, (i) on the first occasion a Customer is involved in a transaction (including deposits and withdrawals of funds) which exceeds €3,000 (or currency equivalent); or (ii) when taken together with all other transactions made by a Customer within the 30 days immediately preceding the date on which the transaction is to be made, the aggregate amount exceeds €3,000 (or currency equivalent) (each of the aforesaid to be referred to as the "Qualifying Transaction") then, amongst others, satisfactory documents as proof of identity, residential address and if required, source of funds must be provided by the Customer to the Operator for the Operator to take such necessary steps as may be imposed on the Operator by any legal requirement, including fulfilling any verification obligations. Subject to the Operator’s rights to obtain from the Customer, any further or other document or documents that the Operator deems fit, the Customer shall provide a copy of a current and still valid government issued photo identification as the Customer’s proof of identity and a copy of a document issued by a governmental authority or a periodical document addressed to the Customer from a bank or financial institution or a utility provider as the Customer’s proof of residential address where such proof of residential address must not be more than 90 days old.
5.8 Subject to the terms contained in these terms and conditions or any applicable law, the Customer may withdraw Betting Funds from their Account at any time. However the Customer shall not make any request for withdrawal of Betting Funds until any prior withdrawal request from the Customer has been paid out or withdrawn or cancelled. Further, in the event a request for withdrawal has been paid out, the Customer shall only be entitled to make a further request after 24 hours has lapsed since the prior withdrawal request that was paid out was made. The Customer shall be liable for all costs, taxes, levies and charges (including but not limited to bank and payment provider charges) incurred by the Operator in processing the Customer’s withdrawal of Betting Funds from or deposit of funds to the Customer’s Account. Further the Customer must meet a minimum bet turnover threshold of three times the amount deposited prior to making a withdrawal. If the Customer fails to meet this minimum requirement, the Customer will incur a five percent (5%) processing fee on the deposit amount or the withdrawal amount or both, which processing fee shall be deducted from the Customer's Account and from any Betting Funds to be withdrawn by the Customer. The Operator may at its sole discretion waive such costs, taxes, levies, charges and processing fees but any such waiver shall not be deemed as a waiver of future costs, taxes, levies, charges and processing fees. Such waiver shall only be considered by the Operator if the Customer, amongst others, has met the minimum turnover requirement above as well as certain other (but not all) terms in respect of the available payment options. These other terms and the minimum & maximum amounts that can be deposited or withdrawn can be viewed by clicking here. The computation of the Customer’s bet turnover for the purposes of this Clause shall only include the value of winning and losing bets. The value of bets with any other outcome shall be excluded.
5.9 Subject to any limitations imposed by the Operator's payment management providers, any applicable taxes and fees in connection with any awarded prize are the Customer's sole responsibility. Prizes cannot be transferred, substituted, or redeemed for any other prize.
5.10 Notwithstanding the terms of Clause 5.8 above, the Operator reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to charge a sum equivalent to 5% (five percent) on any amount deposited or withdrawn or on both deposits and withdrawals made by the Customer, as the case may be, at any time and from time to time if the Operator shall in its sole discretion see fit. In the event that the Operator exercises this right, this sum of 5% (five percent) of the amount or amounts deposited or withdrawn by the Customer shall be immediately deducted from the Customer's Account.
6.1 Under the laws of the Isle of Man and the Online Gambling Regulation Act 2001, which licences the Operator, there is a requirement for the Operator to obtain certain documents from the Customer as stated in Clause 5.7 above when the Customer makes a Qualifying Transaction or at any time that the Operator may deem necessary.
6.2 Upon the compliance of the documentary requirements stated in Clause 5.7 by the Customer (the "KYC Compliance"), then the KYC Compliance shall remain in effect for so long as the documents submitted shall not be invalidated for any reason whatsoever and the Customer shall be at liberty to make a deposit or a request for withdrawals, of Betting Funds at any time.
6.3 The Operator will only credit Betting Funds into the Account of the Customer that placed the winning bet. Further, the Operator will only pay out Betting Funds via the method that the Betting Funds were deposited into the Account.
6.4 The Operator reserves the right, at its reasonable discretion, to suspend the crediting or payment out, of any Betting Funds, pending a full investigation (including providing details to the relevant law enforcement agency where appropriate), where it suspects that the Betting Funds being or have been deposited or attempting to be withdrawn by a Customer, for the purposes of money laundering. An example of where this might occur includes where a Customer deposits a substantial sum in Betting Funds and then attempts to withdraw these Betting Funds having only conducted minimal betting activity on the Internet Betting Service. Full credit or repayment of the Betting Funds will be made to the Customer where the investigation reveals no evidence of money laundering.
6.5 Notwithstanding the terms of Clause 5.7 above, the Operator reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, at any time and from time to time to request that the Customer provides the satisfactory documents as proof of identity, residential address and source of funds referred to in Clause 5.7 above. Failure by the Customer to provide this evidence may result in the Customer's Account being suspended, which shall include the suspension of any crediting of deposits or processing of withdrawal requests.
7.1 In making a bet, the Customer will determine the amount of his own stake, subject to the following:
(a) the restrictions on winnings permitted under Clause 10;
(b) the restrictions on bets set out in this Clause 7.1;
(c) the minimum and maximum amount of any bet will be as indicated on the Internet Betting Service;
(d) if a Customer places a bet, the stake for which would exceed any limits adopted pursuant to this Clause 7.1, such bet will be void; and
(e) the restrictions on bets and winnings as set out in Clause 12.
7.2 If a bet is not made in full or if details of it are missing, the Operator may, at its discretion, deem such bet to be void.
7.3 A Customer will not be entitled to make multiple bets which combine different selections within the same event. In the event that such a bet is accepted in error, it will be void.
7.4 Subject to Clause 7.5, a Customer may send multiple copies of the same bet in which case all such bets will be treated as separate bets. If a Customer submits a number of bets (whether identical or different), they will be dealt with by the Operator in the order in which they are received.
7.5 The Customer must make their bets as an individual. The Operator will be entitled to reject and treat as void a series of identical bets from different Customers or where the Operator suspects that Customers are acting in collusion or as a syndicate with any other individual(s) and will be entitled to refuse payment of any winnings.
7.6 Bets on events in which the Customer is participating (and whether the Customer is participating for this purpose will be decided by the Operator in its absolute discretion) are not permitted.
7.7 In making a bet, the Customer represents and warrants to the Operator to not knowing nor having any influence over the outcome of the event in respect of which the bet is made. If the outcome is known, the Operator may treat the bet as void.
7.8 The Operator reserves the right to make any amendments or corrections to any event information (including but not limited to the team names, event time, venue, league title) displayed on the Internet Betting Service at any time. In such circumstances an electronic announcement will be displayed on the Internet Betting Service. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the prices, odds or handicaps in respect of any event displayed or broadcasted to the Customer may differ or vary from those being displayed or broadcasted to any other end user customer or any group of them. In this regard the Operator has the right, at any time and from time to time, in its absolute discretion and without giving any reason or advance notice, to display or broadcast prices, odds or handicaps in respect of any event to the Customer that is different from those being displayed or broadcasted to any other end user customer or any group of them.
7.9 In order to make a bet, there must be available Betting Funds in the relevant Customer's Account equal to or exceeding the amount of the stake. If the Customer's available Betting Funds do not cover the aggregate stakes wagered at any one time, the Operator will refuse the bets.
7.10 All prices, odds or handicaps quoted are subject to variation and become fixed only at the time when a bet is accepted by the Operator. Where a manifest error (whether caused by human error or otherwise) or systems failure results in incorrect prices, odds or handicaps being offered or produces incorrect or erroneous game results, any bet (or part of a bet) made on the basis of them will be void. If such error is noticed beforehand, the Operator will use all reasonable endeavours to notify the Customer concerned in order to enable him to place another bet at the correct prices, odds or handicaps and, in the case of interactive betting games, the Operator will immediately void the game and return all bets placed to the Customer's Account.
7.11 Where a bet is settled incorrectly due to, for example, an erroneous result being recorded on the Internet Betting Service, such settlement will be invalid and reversed. If the Customer has insufficient Betting Funds to permit such a reversal, they will be required to return the erroneously credited funds in accordance with Clause 12.6.
7.12 The Operator may, at any time, in its absolute discretion and without giving any reason or advance notice, suspend a market, cease betting on a market, refuse to accept any bet or any part of a bet and/or suspend or close any Customer's Account.
8.1 Bets may only be placed via the Website, the WAP Site or such other platforms employed by the Operator unless an alternative prior arrangement has been made with the Operator (the "Betting Method").
8.2 A bet is accepted only when confirmed by the Operator via the Betting Method (that is, when the bet appears in the bet list of the Customer's Account under the item "Accepted" and an identification number has been allocated to it).
8.3 If a bet is declared "invalid" or "void" for the purposes of these terms and conditions, it will be evaluated at odds of 1.00. For individual bets, the stake will be refunded with 1.00 odds to the Customer's Account. For combination bets, the total odds of the combination bet will be recalculated with 1.00 odds of the selection that has been declared invalid or void.
8.4 The deadline for placing bets will in each case be determined by the Operator. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a bet (other than a Live bet as stated on the Website) is placed after the commencement of the event in respect of which the bet is made, the bet will be invalid and will be evaluated at odds of 1.00. For events for which no official start is declared, the generally advertised start time (as determined by the Operator) for the event will be deemed to be its commencement time. Disputes over the times when bets are placed will be finally settled by reference to the Operator's transaction log.
8.5 The Customer will be responsible for ensuring that their bets are correct. Bets placed and accepted within the relevant time limit may not be revoked or changed except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions.
8.6 The Operator assumes no responsibility for:-
(a) typing, transmission and/or evaluation errors in respect of any bets and will be entitled (after the event, if necessary) to correct manifest errors relating to odds or the reporting of results;
(b) the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information services provided (in particular but without limitation, for information provided by third parties);
(c) the accuracy of live scores, statistics and intermediate results in respect of all betting.
The Operator will evaluate Customers' Accounts depending on the results of the bets they place. In doing this the Operator recognises only the official results achieved in the field of play and/or the outcome of the randomly generated results of the interactive games and/or the race events and/or the financial betting products for settlement purposes. Subject as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions, the Sports Betting Rules or the Games Betting Rules(collectively referred to as the “Betting Rules & Regulations”), the winner of an event is the participant whom the relevant official decision-making body declares to be the official winner at the termination of the event (according to the time of the venue for the event), as reported on the official websites of the tournament organisers or by the relevant press agency or association of the country where the event takes place. In the case of Random Number Generator ("RNG") games, the Customer acknowledges that the Operator's RNG and other randomly generated events are part of the Internet Gaming Service and that the Customer agrees to accept such randomly generated results performed by the RNG, as final and conclusive. In the event of a manifest error and where the correct outcome is available on a video recording or in the public domain, the Operator shall use its best endeavours to determine the correct outcome to be used to determine the winner and/or the result of the bets placed. In such cases, the Operator's decision shall be final. Changes in results, rankings or the order of competitors made after that time for any reason whatsoever (including, without limitation, disqualification, disciplinary decision, tribunal or court decision or appeal) will be disregarded for the purposes of deciding the outcome of the bet. In case of any violation of sports or race laws, the Operator will be entitled to freeze and withhold any winnings for such period as it will think fit or indefinitely. (For more information see the Betting Rules & Regulations.)
10.1 For bets with fixed odds, the winnings are calculated by multiplying the stake by the prescribed odds or prices displayed at the time when the bet is accepted by the Operator.
10.2 Winnings from settled bets will be credited to the Customer's Account. Winnings cannot be transferred, substituted, or redeemed for any other prize. Any applicable taxes and fees in connection with any winnings are the Customer's sole responsibility.
10.3 The Operator reserves the right to impose limits on the winnings accruing from any one bet placed on a particular event or sport (regardless of the stake or whether the bet has been placed through more than one separate channel), such limit to be notified by the Operator from time to time.
10.4 If the Customer places a successful bet, the winnings for which exceed the limits set out in this Clause 10, the Operator will only be liable to pay up to such limit and the balance of the bet. The Operator will not be liable to pay any winnings in excess of this.
10.5 The Operator reserves the right to impose limits on the winnings accruing from the successful bets made by any one Customer in any twenty four hour period or in any one week (Monday 0:01 hours until Sunday 24:00 hours (Greenwich Mean Time) (regardless of the stake or whether the bet has been placed through more than one separate channel) and in order to determine the timing of a relevant bet for this purpose, reference will be made to the time when the final event for such bet is resolved rather than the time when the bet is made.
10.6 The Operator may lay down limits on winnings for bets different from or additional to those specified in Clause 10.3, Clause 10.4 and/or Clause 10.5 and/or determine specific winning limits for individual Customers, subject to notifying such Customers.
10.7 If more than one bet and/or a combination of single and combination bets is placed with the same selections and the Operator determines or suspects that they have originated from a single Customer, or any Customer acting in collusion or as a syndicate with any other individual(s) or if a Customer has opened several Accounts and has placed the same bet on each of them contrary to these terms and conditions, without prejudice to any other remedies or rights the Operator may have in such circumstances, the Operator will be entitled to apply the relevant limits on winnings set out in this Clause 10 to the aggregate winnings on all such bets as if such bets were a single bet and/or to reduce the stake to the extent necessary in order to comply with such limits on winnings.
11.1 The Operator accepts bets for sporting, racing and other events available on the Website. All such bets are subject to the rules specific to each relevant sport, race or event or RNG game and it is the responsibility of each Customer to make himself aware of all such rules to the extent relevant to any bets they place.
11.2 Special rules relating to different types of sports, races and RNG games and which will apply to bets made on those sports, races or games are set out in the Betting Rules & Regulations. These Betting Rules & Regulations may be amended at any time.
12.1 The Customer represents, warrants and certifies that they have reached the age of 18 or the legal age required for gambling in the Customer's jurisdiction, whichever is the greater. The Customer also warrants that they will not access the Internet Betting Service from within a jurisdiction that prohibits gambling nor will they access (or register to use) the Internet Betting Service at any time if they are a citizen of a nation state that prohibits its citizens from participating in gambling (regardless of their location).
12.2 The Customer represents, warrants and certifies that they fully accept that all computer instructions and responses sent over the Internet to and from the Internet Betting Service and the Software will be binding on the Customer.
12.3 The Customer further represents, warrants and certifies that:
(a) the Customer is not prohibited from placing any bet by any term of the Customer’s contract of employment or any rule of an international or domestic body, organisation, association, federation or other such entity that governs or oversees any sport (“Sport Governing Body”) which applies to the Customer; and
(b) the Customer is not aware of any circumstances which would make the placing of any bet with the Operator a breach of a rule on betting applied by a Sport Governing Body; and
(c) where the bet is placed on the outcome of a race, match, competition or other event or process or on the likelihood of anything occurring or not occurring (the “Event”) the Customer has no prior knowledge of or has no influence over the outcome of the Event.
12.4 In the event of any of the Customer’s representations in this Clause 12 proving to be false the Customer’s stake will be forfeit and the Operator shall not be obliged to pay any winnings which might otherwise have been payable in respect of that bet.
12.5 The Customer understands that by using the Internet Betting Service they may lose money on bets placed and they accept full responsibility for such loss. The Customer agrees that their use of the Website is at their sole risk.
12.6 Should funds be credited to or debited from a Customer's Account in error, it is the Customer's responsibility to notify the Operator of the error without delay. Any sums credited to the Customer due to the error will be deemed invalid and must be returned to the Operator. Funds credited to an Account in error are not available to bet with and the Operator reserves the right to void any transaction involving such funds. For the avoidance of doubt, where the Customer has a credit balance and further sums are erroneously added to this, the Customer is permitted to transact up to the level of funds available in their Account excluding the erroneously added funds. The Customer agrees to indemnify the Operator for the return of any erroneously credited funds that the Customer has withdrawn.
13.1 The Operator will endeavour to provide the Internet Betting Service using its reasonable skill and care. The Operator makes no further warranty or representation, whether express or implied, in relation to the Internet Betting Service. Any implied warranties or conditions relating to satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose, completeness or accuracy are hereby excluded.
13.2 The Operator makes no warranty that the Internet Betting Service will meet the Customer's requirements or will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Internet Betting Service or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs, nor does the Operator make any warranty as to the full functionality, accuracy, reliability of the materials supplied by the Operator or results of the Internet Betting Service or the accuracy of any information obtained by the Customer through the Internet Betting Service.
13.3 The Customer should be aware that the quality of the internet connection to the Internet Betting Service and WAP internet connection varies from customer to customer and may not be absolutely stable. The Operator is not responsible for any misplaced bets. All bets placed will be based on the bet records in the Operator's system.
13.4 The Operator carries out regular maintenance to the Internet Betting Service to ensure, as much as possible, that an optimum gaming experience is provided to the Customer. During such maintenance sessions, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that access to the Internet Betting Service may be limited to allow for such necessary repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services. The Operator will make reasonable efforts to notify Customers of such downtime in advance of it occurring (whether via an advance schedule of downtime or period notifications on the Internet Betting Service) and resume the service as soon as it reasonably can.
14.1 The Customer agrees that their use of the Internet Betting Service is at their sole risk.
14.2 The Operator will not be liable in contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from or in any way connected with the Customer's use of the Internet Betting Service, whether direct or indirect, including, without limitation, damage for loss of business, loss of profits, business interruption, loss of business information, loss arising from downtime or any other pecuniary or consequential loss (even where the Operator has been notified by the Customer of the possibility of such loss or damage). Further, liability for such damage will be excluded, even if the exclusive remedies provided for in these terms and conditions fail for their essential purpose.
14.3 The Operator will not be liable or responsible to the Customer for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by the Customer as a result of any suspension or stoppage (whether temporary or permanent) of the Internet Betting Service arising from any governmental order or change in policy by the regulator.
14.4 The Operator will not be responsible or liable to the Customer for any loss of content or material uploaded or transmitted through the Internet Betting Service and the Customer confirms that the Operator will not be liable to the Customer or any third party for any modification to, suspension of or discontinuance of the Internet Betting Service.
14.5 The Operator reserves the right to withdraw the Internet Betting Service or elements of the Internet Betting Service at any time, and will not be liable to the Customer as a result of any such action.
14.6 The Operator will not be responsible for any breach of these terms and conditions caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control.
14.7 The Operator will not be liable to the Customer for any use of the Internet Betting Service that is contrary to the law of the jurisdiction in which the Customer is located. The Customer should note that where local law prohibits their participation in the Internet Betting Service, it is contrary to these terms and conditions for the Customer to participate in the Internet Betting Service.
14.8 Certain statutes, rules and regulations may imply certain non-excludable warranties or conditions and to the extent such are not permitted to be excluded, the Operator's liability for breach of such conditions or warranties and the Customer's sole and exclusive remedy will be limited to the reimbursement of the Customer's available Betting Funds in the Account and the value of any bets on unsettled events.
15.1 The Customer agrees to fully indemnify, defend and hold the Operator, and its officers, directors, employees, agents and suppliers, harmless immediately on demand, from and against all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees, arising out of any breach of these terms and conditions by the Customer or any other liabilities arising out of the Customer's use of the Internet Betting Service or use by any other person accessing the Internet Betting Service using the Customer's Account details.
15.2 The Customer agrees fully to indemnify, defend and hold the Operator, and its officers, directors, employees, agents and suppliers, harmless immediately on demand, from and against all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees, arising out of any breach of warranties or representations including, but not limited to, the representations that the Customer is not a citizen or a resident of a country which prohibits such gaming activities nor will they access the Internet Betting Service from a jurisdiction where such betting activity is prohibited by law.
15.3 The Customer will indemnify the Operator for all losses and damages suffered by the Operator as a result of wrongdoings and/or fraud committed by the Customer or group of Customers acting in concert or as a syndicate. "Wrongdoings and/or fraud" will include but not be limited to attempts to beat the Betting Rules & Regulations, single account per customer, betting limits, win limits, hacking, use of artificial intelligence or bots, providing false personal information, and/or any actions and/or omissions which the Operator reasonably deems to be a fraud and/or wrongdoings.
The Customer may not transfer any of their rights under these terms and conditions to any other person. The Operator may transfer its rights under these terms and conditions to another business where the Operator reasonably believes that the Customer's rights will not be affected.
17.1 The Internet Betting Service provides content from other Internet sites or resources ("Third Party Content") and while the Operator takes all reasonable steps to ensure that material included on the Internet Betting Service is correct, reputable and of high quality, the Operator does not make any warranties or guarantees in relation to Third Party Content and will not be held liable by the Customer for any such Third Party Content. If the Operator is informed of any inaccuracies in the Third Party Content contained on the Internet Betting Service, it will attempt to correct the inaccuracies as soon as it reasonably can.
17.2 The Operator makes no representations or warranties regarding any third party websites linked to the Internet Betting Service ("Linked Sites"), the entities which operate the Linked Sites or which feature on the Linked Sites. The Operator will not accept liability for any loss (including any indirect or consequential loss) or damage the Customer may suffer directly or indirectly as a result of using any of the Linked Sites or relying on any material contained therein. The Customer acknowledges that the Customer's access to and use of any of the Linked Sites is entirely at their own risk.
Except insofar as these terms and conditions expressly provides that a third party may in their own right enforce a term of these terms and conditions, a person who is not a party to these terms and conditions has no right under local law or statute to rely upon or enforce any term of these terms and conditions.
19.1 If there is a discrepancy between the result showing on the Software and the Operator's server, the result showing on the Operator's server will govern the result of the Internet Betting Service. In the event of system malfunction or damage which results in the loss of data, the Operator will make reasonable efforts to recover all historic data and all recovered data will be deemed official.
19.2 Where there is any malfunction of the electronic display in live betting, the settlement will follow the actual result of the relevant event pursuant to the Betting Rules & Regulations.
19.3 Any failure on the Customers' side including but not limited to network connection or computer problems, will not void the bet result. Customers can check their own bet history in the Statement section of their Account to see how any bet was determined.
The Customer understands and agrees that (without prejudice to their other rights and remedies including the referral to an agreed dispute resolution process) the Operator's records and subsequent management decision will be the final authority in determining the terms of the Customer's participation in the Internet Betting Service, the activity resulting therefrom and the circumstances in which they occurred.
If the Customer has any dispute with regard to any outcome of any bets or any other activity, the Customer must submit their complaint to the Operator in writing within 72 hours of the event's start time of the incident by email to support@sbotop.com. Any notice the Operator gives to the Customer (save as otherwise set out herein) will be sent to the email address that the Customer provided when the Customer registered the Customer's Account. It is the Customer's responsibility to give the Operator notice of any changes to this address by writing to support@sbotop.com setting out the updated details and to regularly check their email account for emails from the Operator.
22 SBOtv
22.1 Viewing SBOtv
(a) SBOtv is only available to SBOTOP account holders.
(b) Due to licensing restrictions, viewing of SBOtv may sometimes be restricted in relation to certain sporting events in the Customer’s region.
(c) SBOtv is currently available to all Customers for free. However, the Operator reserves the right, upon proper notice, to introduce other fees, subscriptions or charges or conditions for access in the future.
(d) The Operator may refuse access to SBOtv to any Customer at its absolute discretion.
(e) By accessing SBOtv the Customer agrees and accepts these terms and conditions.
(a) Customers who access SBOtv are hereby advised that although the content is promoted as 'live', they may, depending on the region and the Customer’s personal internet access speed, sometimes experience streaming time lags of between 5-10 seconds (or longer) behind the actual game.
(b) SBOtv is provided as an added service to Customers and is for personal and recreational enjoyment. Reliance on SBOtv to place bets is done so entirely at the Customer’s own risk and the Operator accepts no responsibility whatsoever and shall not be liable to the Customer for any direct or indirect loss, including any loss of profit, reputation, goodwill or business, suffered by the Customer as a result of the Customer’s reliance on SBOtv.
(a) The Operator makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, on the quality of the content and streaming speed of SBOtv or its availability in any region or on the Customer’s computer.
(a) The Operator reserves the right to change, vary, suspend, replace, discontinue, withdraw or terminate any content on SBOtv (or SBOtv service itself) at its absolute discretion and without prior notice.
(a) The terms and conditions of use of the SBOtv may be amended by the Operator at its absolute discretion from time to time. It is the Customer’s responsibility to check these terms and conditions from time to time to ensure that the Customer agrees with them and the Customer’s continued use of SBOtv will be deemed to be the Customer’s acceptance of any changes to the terms and conditions.
23.1 If any part of these terms and conditions will be deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be deemed to be severable from these terms and conditions and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any of the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions.
23.2 The time stamp on all records either stored in or written to the Operator's transactional database including but not limited to bets (whether accepted or declined), announcements, messages and reports shall be recorded as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) minus 4 hours.
23.3 No waiver by the Operator of any of these terms and conditions will be construed as a waiver of any preceding or succeeding breach of any of these terms and conditions.
23.4 Unless otherwise expressly stated, nothing in these terms and conditions will create or confer any rights or any other benefits in favour of any person other than the Customer and the Operator.
23.5 Nothing in these terms and conditions will be construed as creating any agency, partnership or any other form of joint enterprise between the Customer and the Operator.
23.6 Clause 15 (Indemnity) will continue in force after and despite expiry or termination (for whatever reason).
23.7 The Customer agrees to be bound by and adhere to the Betting Rules & Regulations in their participation in the Internet Betting Service. The Operator also reserves the right to modify these Rules at any time.
23.8 The Operator may, at its absolute discretion amend, revise or update these terms and conditions from time to time for legal or regulatory reasons or to allow the proper operation of the Internet Betting Service. It is the Customer’s responsibility to check these terms and conditions from time to time to ensure that the Customer agrees with them and the Customer’s continued use of the Internet Betting Service will be deemed to be the Customer’s acceptance of any amendments, revisions or updates or changes to these terms and conditions.
23.9 These terms and conditions, as published in English from time to time, govern this contract. Translations into other languages are made as a service and are made in good faith. In the event of ambiguity between the English version and a translation, the English version prevails over any translation.
23.10 These terms and conditions contain the entire agreement between the Customer and the Operator relating to the Internet Betting Service. The Customer confirms that, in agreeing to accept these terms and conditions, the Customer has not relied on any representation save insofar as the same has expressly been made a representation in these terms and conditions. The Customer agrees that the Customer will have no remedy in respect of any misrepresentation which has not become a term of these terms and conditions save that the Customer's agreement will not apply in respect of any fraudulent or negligent misrepresentation whether or not such term has become a term of these terms and conditions.
23.11 The Internet Betting Service is subject to the laws and regulations of the Isle of Man and any dispute arising out of or relating to these terms and conditions, the Internet Betting Service, prizes, Website, Software, the Operator, the developer of the Software, and/or the Operator's payment management company will be governed by the laws and the Courts of the Isle of Man. The Customer hereby consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Isle of Man.
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